
Course Introduction

Course Title: Python for Absolute Beginners

Course Description: This course is designed for students who are new to programming. It focuses on the fundamental syntax of Python and key programming concepts. Through a mix of theoretical learning and hands-on practice, students will experience the practical aspects of using Python to solve computational problems encountered in both academic and everyday contexts.

Key topics include:

  • Basic Program Design:Introduction to programming principles using Python.

  • Data Types and Structures:Working with numbers, strings, and other data types.

  • Control Structures:Understanding conditional statements, loops, and flow control.

  • Functions:Learning how to define and use functions for modular programming.

  • File Handling:Basics of working with files in Python.

  • Complex Data Types:Handling lists, dictionaries, and other collection types.

  • GUI Programming:Introduction to graphical user interfaces with Python.

This course is designed with real-world applications and fun, engaging examples. It encourages a "top-down, divide-and-conquer" approach to problem-solving, helping students build a solid foundation in programming and computational thinking.


Instructor:Prof. Wu Jiye, Faculty Member, School of Artificial Intelligence, Shenzhen Polytechnic University